Blog Archive

Saturday, May 29, 2010

and the Search for a Meaningful Life

Some days I feel like everything's going right. I have the job I've literally always wanted. I have close friends who are good to me. I have a car, I have the money that I need and sometimes a little more, I listen to the music that I love all the time... but sometimes, like right now, I just feel like nothing is quite right.

Sometimes you find out people don't think as highly of you as you thought they did. Sometimes you notice a guy on the street staring at your friend, but not you. Sometimes you work so hard at something, and yet feel like you aren't making any progress--sometimes you feel like you're accomplishing the opposite of progress. Sometimes you realize you're probably never going to have the only thing you've ever truly wanted with your entire self. Sometimes you realize that though you might be happy, you'll never be successful. Sometimes you think that success is what matters, not happiness, no matter who tells you it isn't true. Sometimes you realize that a handful of your best friends might be fake ones. Sometimes you feel like you have nothing to offer. Sometimes you feel like forward motion isn't an option.

Sometimes you have to face the fact that you will never marry Matt Bellamy, and he will never wake you up with a guitar riff nor sing you to sleep with a lullaby. IT'S JUST NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

Sometimes you have to face the fact that your life might not be what you want it to be.

Sometimes you have to trust Jesus.

99.9 percent of the time, that's extremely difficult.

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I'm a Starbucks barista, and I like adventures.
